Sunday, July 29, 2007


Wonder who is 小王小力小宏?

Watch this, damn funny~ 小宏 is the best!

For your information, 王力宏<改变自己>这首歌有说到环保, 希望喜欢他的粉丝们会有所改变.

改变世界, 改变自己! Save our planet~

记得, 地球只有一个, 没有了, 我们就无家可归了......

力宏! You are my Idol


好开心, 好开心, 好开心哦~~

之前听到了新专辑的<落叶归根>, 不喜欢这首歌, 觉得很sad, 不像是力宏的风格. 果然! 这首歌不是他写的, 只是为了电影的宣传而唱的.

现在听到了主打歌<改变自己>, 哇塞, 这才是王力宏嘛~

第一时间在Youtube看了他的MV, 哇, 不得了! 简直是让我震撼到无话可说!

整个MV的concept非常简单, 就是个Band在演义这首歌.

可是, 仔细一看, 发现~~~~

Of course 歌手是王力宏,

咦, 怎么Guitar手也是他~

Huh? 连鼓手也是他~~

不是吧, 不要告诉我DJ也是他哦~~


But 如果有个Keyboard手会更美好......

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Skirt Alteration


这么长的裙子, 我想现在也只有middle east的朋友会穿吧.

向妈妈提议把"这么长的裙子"改短. 她很紧张的说~不要~~~ 妈妈要把"这么长的裙子"收起来, 改天再穿......

Huh? 不要? 那你收起来给谁穿? 我们家又没有middle east来的人. 我现在不会穿"这么长的裙子", 以后也不会.

不顾妈妈的反对, 我一刀把"这么长的裙子"剪短了.

剪这裙子已是两个礼拜前的事了, 今天终于有空改了. 不只要把"这么长的裙子"改短, 还要把它从 L size 改成 S size. 非常的花时间和精力. 花了两个小时, 终于改好了......

看吧~ 这才是人我们Malaysian穿的裙子. "这么长的裙子"留给middle east的人穿.

所有的Alteration都是由这架针车所完成. 好古老的针车哦~ 妈妈说这是她的嫁妆. 以前嫁人时, 娘家一定要送针车.

But, 妈妈你不要骗我啦, 虽然和你的嫁妆很像, 可是你的嫁妆已经坏了, 这是后来再买的. 但是, 为什么你买来买去都是一样的? 现在每个人都用新的了......

我要这样的Sewing Machine. 不知道几时才会有......

Saturday, July 21, 2007




A男: 好久不见, 近来好吗? 有男朋友吗?

F女: 好啊. 还没有拍拖啦.

A男: 是吗? 哎哟, 如果我还没有找到我的森林里的那棵树, 我一定会选你的. 只可惜.......唉......

F女: 不要假假啦, 我才不会为了你放弃我的整个森林的........



S男: 我有个双胞胎弟弟哦. 我弟弟和我一样帅.

A女: 那你弟弟小你几岁?



J女: 告诉你哦, 我们来了个新同事, 他也是有个双胞胎弟弟.

A女: 是吗? 那他帅吗?

J女: Ermmm, 坦白说, 不怎么样啦.

A女: 哎哟, 一个不帅就算了, 现在还多了一个和他一样的.



A女: Mr, 请问你是single还是......?

C顾客: huh? 我是Doule Storey咧......


以上并非纯属虚构, 乃真人真事也.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hello, Who are you?

Last Saturday, I received a SMS from an unknown phone no, SMS saying that: "Hi, still remember me? Your loan offer still on? "

Well, basically, obviously and eventually, I dun remember you......But I still reply him: "Of course I remember you, and the offer still on, anything I can help? "

I hate ppl ask me: hey, still remember me? Well, most of the time i dun remember you, but I'll pretend that I knew you and I hate myself for telling the lies.......

This afternoon, a lady called me, first thing she said is: "Hi, still remember me? We spoke on the phone before, I wanna to ask you.........." *Hey, can you please tell me your name first?*


It reminds me with a story......

一个新婚的年轻人搬进了新房子, 邻居是个70多岁的老夫妇. 老夫妇非常的恩爱, 老爷爷总是称呼老婆婆honey, sweetheart or dear.

一天, 年轻人忍不住了, 问老爷爷道: "老爷爷, 你们结婚这么久了, 可是你们还是这么的恩爱, 到底秘诀是什么呢?"

老爷爷问答道: "年轻人, 当你到我这个年纪时, 你已不记得你老婆叫什么名字了......"


I'm not telling you that I'm too old and I can't remember your name. But just that I got to handle quite a number of customer a day and it's quite difficult for me to recall you, without you to tell me who you are actually.

So, please, I hope that next time customer call me, he'll say something like this: Hey, I'm XXX, from XXX, I wanna to ask you.......

If you say like this, trust me, I'll be very helpful......

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hotels in JB

昨天下午, 父亲打了一通电话来, 说他晚上有'重要人物'从KL下来, 要我帮忙到New York Hotel定房间.......

父亲的命令, 我这孝顺女儿要不是不忙不管多忙还是得服从.

午餐后, 我就到New York Hotel去, 一到lobby, 哇, 好多人哦, 人山人海, 肯定没房间.

Hotel Rating:

真的没有Standard Room了. 剩下Family Room, 一间房RM230++

So, 我就call了我亲爱的父亲, 父亲说太贵了, 要我到Grand Continental (现在叫Hotel Selesa) 问问.

Hotel Rating:

好啊, 近近而已, 反正不赶时间, 就到Hotel Selesa去. 在那边发生了一些小插曲......

当我到Reception去时, Receptionist都好忙, 好不容易有人要entertain我, 谁知道有个人来check out了, 那Receptionist就去帮他处理. Receptionist见到他, 就对他说: Mister, 今天这么早就check out啊? 哦? 听到这句话, 我马上把头转过去看了看那人一眼. 心想: 那人是常客哦, 时常来Hotel Selesa喔. 有家不回来Hotel干嘛呢? 哈哈......呼呼......

那人看到我转头去看他, 整个脸都红了.......哎呀, 那Receptionist也真多嘴. 不要怪我哦......

奉劝各位如果要到Hotel的, 千万不要跟Receptionist太熟, 不然什么秘密都帮你抖出来了......

哦, 话说回来, Hotel Selesa也没Standard Room, Deluxe Room要RM207.

我又call了我亲爱的父亲, 还是太贵了. 父亲要我到Crystal Crown问问......

Hotel Rating:

huh? 哦.....反正没事做嘛, 哈哈.....好啦好啦, 就帮你问问.

到了Crystal Crown, 没人, 应该有好亢头.

又没Standard Room了, Deluxe Room要RM189++ 什么嘛......

我又call了我亲爱的父亲, 父亲也不耐烦了, 每一间Hotel都这么贵!! 他就说算了, 他问他朋友有没有办法.

15分钟后, 我亲爱的父亲call我, 说他朋友是公务员, 订房比较容易, 而且还有Special Rate, 他朋友帮他订到了Standard Room, RM130++ New York Hotel.




前前后后只需要15分钟, 就可以 save all the troubles!!

早知道我就在office里享受我的aircon, 然后一间间Hotel慢慢call.

我还以为亲自到Hotel订房间成功的机率会比较高, 原来是要有公务员帮忙, 成功的机率才会比较高......

Monday, July 09, 2007

方大同 Khalil Fong

方大同, 一开始听到这个名字就觉得很'song2'.......名字虽然很普通, 可是却有着与大众不同的才华.

认识他是从他的<爱爱爱>这首歌开始, 觉得很好听, 我喜欢这样的R&B.

查了查他的资料, 发现原来他父亲是鼓手, 他三岁开始玩音乐, 经常随父亲在台上玩BAND, 对舞台演出充满自信, 又擅长弹琴和结他. 他父亲是夏威夷人, 母亲是香港人, 六岁到上海定居, 十一岁才到香港. 会的语言有: 英语/国语/广东话/上海话/夏威夷本土英语, 而他坦言有百分之五十不懂中文.

专辑里的每首歌都是他的创作. 在这里和你分享<四人遊>这首歌.

这首歌是他在7年前写的, 他觉得这首歌适合女生唱, 可是又不舍得让给别人, 就把它改成合唱曲.

非常有才华的一位歌手, 值得大家的支持......

Sunday, July 08, 2007

You can make a difference!

Last post was saying about saving the environment, here is a story that I wanna to share with you......

Once upon a time there was a wise man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer.

He smiled to himself to think of someone who would dance to the day. So he began to walk faster to catch up. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but instead he was reaching down the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

As he got closer he called out, "Good morning! What are you doing?"

The young man paused, looked up and replied, "Throwing starfishes in the ocean."

"I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfishes into the ocean?"

"The sun is up and the tide is going out. And if I don't throw them in they'll die."

"But, young man, don't you reaslise that there are miles and miles of beach and starfishes all along it. You can't possibly make a difference!"

The young man listened politely. Then bent down, picked another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves and said, "It made a difference for that one."

There is something very special in each and every one of us. We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference. And if we can become aware of that gift, we gained through the strength of our visions the power to shape the future.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth 7.7.07

Live Earth is a 24-hour, 7-continent concert series taking place on 7/7/07 that will bring together more than 100 music artists and 2 billion people to trigger a global movement to solve the climate crisis.

Maybe you will think that this kind of concerts is not helpful in solving our environmental problems. Well, i think at least it can create the awareness to the people who watched the concert of our global environmental crisis.

To support this event, Singapore Channel 5 encourage ppl to wear green shirt on 7.7.07 and they telecast the concert from 7pm 7/7/07 to 7pm 8/7/07 the next day!

Please show your support to this event by wearing green shirt or more effectively, practicing 3R often.

3R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are the 3 pillars of recycling philosophy.

To save our environment, you must first measures to reduce the amount of waste you pick up in the first place.

Secondly, you should reuse as much as you can.

Thirdly, when you have finished with things, recycle them so they can be re-made in another form, or used by someone else.

Please save our environment!

Coz i dun want to suffer from the environmental issues that caused by you~~