也不是特别喜欢他, 只是觉得他蛮有性格的. 演起戏来总有他特别的味道, 会让人留下深刻的印象.
认识 Johnny Depp 应该是从
你可能早已经忘记这部电影的剧情了, 可是当你看到这Edward特地为他的爱人雕的Angel, 脑海里是否隐约的浮现那冰雪纷飞的画面?
再来, 他在 <Sleepy Hollow> 里的演出也很精彩. 本小姐还蛮喜欢这部电影的, 拍的很鬼异, Johnny Depp在戏里演的角色很帅, 简直酷毙了.
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
<From Hell>里的角色和 <Sleepy Hollow> 里的很像, 也难怪, as they are all came from the same director, Tim Burton.
After <From Hell>, 我看了一部让我毕生难忘的电影 - <Charlie and the Chocolate Factory>. 不是因为很好看, 而是我不太能欣赏这样的拍摄手法. 我觉得很幼稚, 可是我的朋友们却蛮喜欢的.....sorry my friends......
让我印象最深刻的应该是Johnny Depp在 < Pirates of the Caribbean> 的演出, 我喜欢他在里面的性格. 不拘一格, 我行我素, 时而英雄, 时而懦夫, 时而认真, 时而糊涂......就是这么有性格......
Pirates of the Caribbean
无可否认的, 是Johnny Depp 演活了 Jack Sparrow 一角.
Johnny Depp 不失是好演员,但是我喜欢Chocolate and the factory.可能我喜欢音乐剧.里面的歌曲,吸引我.
Jack Sparrow,我的天,老话一句,第一次看,可以笑,第二次看,厌倦,第三次,无聊透顶~~~
I think Jonny Depp is a very talented actor. Though Some people like, some people dislike. The movie that he acted in are usually those thriller type which are "deep" in nature, and because of him, the whole movie become very "noticeable".
Some people may think that Jack Sparrow is wuliao character, but trust me, it's not easy to interpret this character so lively if not because of Jonny Depp.
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