Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Life Goes On - never give up

It seems that my last post has 引起了公愤. Nevermind, it's ok, I cannot force everyone to like Stephenie Sun. Just like Saujun, no matter how he advertises for Sally, I still cannot agree with him.. *hehe* no offense.

Well, 1st quarter of Year 2007 has come to an end. Quarterly review is very important for Sales ppl like me. However, I feel so ashamed for my performance. As usual, I didn't work hard enough, I didn't try my very best to persuade ppl. Always finding excuses for not being able to perform. Still staying in my comfort zone and not even trying to make a difference. Blah blah blah......

No matter how good or how bad I did in 1st quarter, life still has to go on. And I'll never give up!

我会用微笑来迎接任何挑战, 绝对不会在未来的日子留下任何遗憾!!


潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

Ha. Thanks for your title. Life Goes On - never give up.
From Dreamgirls: Life's not as bad as it may seem, if you open your eyes to what's in front of you。
Yes. It is ok. If everybody likes Sally Yeh, then Jacky CHeung or Stephenie wont have rice to eat lo~~

Anonymous said...

只要有B+ 应该算OK了
A+ 留给拿 A+ 的人